
GenZation Sentiments

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GenZation Sentiments


Podcasts are made to spread awareness among their listeners. Its purpose can be to entertain, inform, explain, educate, or even to have all purposes combined. Podcasts allow hosts to freely state their perceptions, insights, and opinions regarding the decided subject. Furthermore, it allows podcasters to set the facts straight as well. With podcasts, we believe that we can address gender inequality effectively by having different subtopics in each episode we plan to make. We certainly are fascinated by the feeling of freedom that podcast gives as it puts no limits on its audience, it is literally everything under the sun. Subsequently, the advantages that this streaming content offers made our team, the genzation, trust podcasts more. Having gender inequality as our main topic and having generation Z as our target audience, there is no doubt that Podcasts would be perfect since it is a category that the youth is interested in the most.

Based on statistics, we were able to figure out the demographic profile of podcast listeners! As for the analysis of podcast listeners’ needs and wants, kindly proceed to Podcasts

♡ With 53% out of 100% male respondents reporting they had listened to a podcast, males are slightly more likely than women to listen to podcasts. 46% were female.

♡ According to Statista, 120 million people listened to a podcast in 2021. In 2020, 55% of consumers in the U.S. above the age of 12 years listening to an audio podcast, up 4% from 2019.

♡ The majority of podcast listeners are single, married, or committed.

♡ The U.S. actually does not lead the world in podcast listening (Winn, 2020). That distinction belongs to South Korea, followed by Spain, Sweden, Australia, and the United States. So most of the viewers are South Korean (Asian), followed by Spanish, Australian and then, American.

♡ More than 66% out of 100% of podcast viewers hold college degrees.

♡ 17% of monthly podcast listeners had a household income between $100K and $150K.

Moreover, we conducted a survey on our target audience regarding gender inequality in generation Z to expound more on their encounters and insights they have regarding the subject, here’s the data analysis of the survey :

♡ 100% of the respondents believe that gender inequality is an important issue that we, as a community, must address.

♡ 100% of the respondents believe that gender inequality in generation Z is existent.

♡ 85% of the respondents believe that there are limited opportunities offered to both genders due to prejudice, whereas 15% think otherwise.

♡ 60% of the respondents believe that gender inequality has subsided (decreased) throughout the years in the Philippines, whereas 40% disagree with the former statement.

♡ 60% of the respondents agree that gender equality is a concern for men, whereas 40% believe that gender equality is not a concern for men.

♡ 75% of the respondents agree that women have fewer opportunities than men. 25% stand with the thought that men and women have the same opportunities.

♡ 45% of the respondents feel that men and women are sometimes treated equally in their schools. 40% of the respondents feel that men and women are always treated equally in their school, whereas the remaining 15% feel that men and women are never treated equally when it comes to education.

♡ 45% of the respondents feel that men and women are treated equally in their household, 30% think otherwise, wherein 25% of the respondents feel that men and women are sometimes treated equally in their household.

♡ 74% of the respondents considered that their gender may have prevented them from participating in a social gathering with friends, relaxing at home, running for a class officer, winning a competition at school, or having the opportunity to advance, whereas the remaining 26% didn’t consider it.

♡ Overall, 85% of the respondents say that men have life easier, whereas the other 15% of our respondents think that women have life easier.

— The second section of our survey makes our respondents rate 5 statements, with 5 being the highest on the scale, of how much they agree with them. The following statements we’ve included are to know their attitude on the subject and for us to assess their made decisions in connection with gender inequality. In simpler terms, the statements would prove whether or not these individuals are affected by the gender gap in their generation :

I. You feel disappointed that you're being punished/facing the consequences for something that the other gender can do freely. ⇢ 70.4% of our respondents rated this statement a 5 — meaning most of them have agreed and admitted that they do feel disappointed whenever they’re facing consequences of an act that the other gender can just get away with easily.

II. You are affected by unequal opportunities, unjust treatment and stereotypes with regard to your gender. ⇢ The majority of our respondents have rated this statement a 5 as well — this implies that most of them are indeed affected by the evident unequal opportunities, unjust treatment and the lingering stereotypes about their genders.

III. You feel that it's unfair to not be allowed in doing something the other gender can do, even if you are capable of doing so. ⇢ Just like the first statement, 70.4% of our respondents or 19 out of 27 have rated this statement a 5 — this only tells us that most of them do feel the unfairness of not being able or allowed to do something that the other gender can accomplish, even considering the fact that you are capable or even more capable in doing so.

IV. You act according to what your gender is expected of in order to avoid judgements, gossip and controversies. ⇢ This statement recorded the lowest rating for the whole second section, 9 out of 27 respondents have rated this statement a 2 — this only delivers the message that the majority do not act accordingly to what is expected of their gender just to avoid any negative comments or reactions from their surroundings.

V. You are willing to go beyond your gender's supposed to be 'capabilities' and 'boundaries' even if it is not approved by society. ⇢ Lastly, 59.3% out of hundred (16 respondents) have rated this statement a 5 — in this rating, it tells us that most of the survey participants certainly have the willingness to go beyond their gender’s supposed-to-be limitations, boundaries and even their stereotyped capabilities albeit the fact that it is clear to them; the society does not approve of this.

— That’s how our target audience perceives the questions about gender inequality, though, at some points, it has been perceived that gender inequality is not that evident in education and household of others, we still have come to the conclusion that a lot of students, or generally Gen Zs are viewing gender inequality as an important issue that we must truly address. To serve as a reminder, our topic is all about the current gender gap in generation Z, specifically in the areas of home and education. With their own knowledge alone, they’ve agreed that gender inequality still exists in today’s generation. Who knows it could still continue on a hundred generations more? The main aim of our podcast is to expound on the experiences of Gen Zs with unfair treatment, and all other events that are influenced by the gender gap. As Gen Zs ourselves, unquestionably, we have encountered the same experiences as others regardless if there’s logical reasoning behind it or not. Our respondents genuinely believe that gender inequality issues are still here, however, it’s not as rampant as before. That’s what the majority of our audience believes.

We all have different beliefs, attitudes and opinions in regard to gender inequality, the same goes for the fact that we all have our own encounters with that matter. With the aid of this survey, we were able to view gender inequality in the eyes of our target audience, in the eyes of other gen z’s. Turns out, the results of this survey did tell us something, a lot of youth are aware of this issue, however, are not exactly informed on how to manage, how to confront and how to mitigate its effects on their lives, their health and mindsets. Different fields were mentioned where they have observed gender inequality, as much as possible, we’d like to address those topics soon and optimistically find the best approach to it. As part of youth, as part of generation z, it makes our hearts swell in happiness to realise that there truly is still hope, that we’re not just turning a blind eye to things needed to be discussed and things that might damage our community. Because of this survey, we felt the spark and chills from our respondent’s perceptions; Dr Jose Rizal, the national hero and a Thomasian, once quoted, “The youth is the hope of the fatherland.” This statement reflects his strong belief in the strength and potential of the younger generations around the globe, and we, the genzation, believe in this too.