
GenZation Sentiments

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GenZation Sentiments

Streaming Analysis

APEC SCHOOLS - Kalumpang


GenZation Sentiments EP1 │ The Gender Gap In Generation Z

GenZation Sentiments

Ashton Ford Arquero
Charles Andrew Gonzales
Angelika Renee Juanillo
Philippe Anselmo Mendoza
Samantha Morante
Antoinette Rodriguez

Submitted to:
John Albert Buenaventura
APEC Schools - Learning Facilitator

March 3, 2023

I. Summary of Stream

  • GenZation Sentiments' live stream took place on their YouTube Channel on Saturday, February 04, 2023, at precisely 4:00 - 5:30 PM. Mainly, the goal of the stream is to address the evident gender gap in generation Z by interviewing different members of the gen Z community! It was a very chill and natural video podcast; so natural that it can be seen in the streamers who just went with the flow but still managed to remain organized as they were guided with their stream outline/stream plan. In the stream, a lot has happened; it started with the intro playing, followed by the host introducing the episode's topic—gender inequality as something people don’t usually hear others casually talk about, as something that people typically don’t consider having it as a daily topic but undoubtedly, the host stated that people are unconsciously discussing it—be it on social media or with their friends. Just within a few minutes of the host talking, the comment section was on fire—a lot were hyping the host, complimenting her, and many of the audience were asking for shoutouts! The host interacted with the viewers by reading a few comments and providing her reaction to their statements before she ended the topic introduction with a critical thinking question; “Do you believe that if there is equality, then there is liberty?”. Subsequent to the topic introduction, the host introduced herself before moving forward to her other objectives for the live stream, host introduction is indeed very essential as it's the first podcast episode that the streamers have ever filmed.

    Afterwards the introduction, there was a quick catch-up/kamustahan session between the host and guest to ease the atmosphere and decrease the level of nervousness of the streamers—this was also achieved by joking around with the audience via reading their comments; jokes such as pretending to end the stream even if they just started due to a comment that the host’s friend left. Not only did the guest share her encounters with gender stereotypes and inequality, but the host also mentioned a lot of her sentiments regarding her personal experiences connected to the topic which was all about the gender gap. Together with the storytelling, both the host and the guest provided gender discrimination scenarios that most of us can relate to and resonate with. To increase engagement with the audience and guest speaker even more, the host started to ask questions to inquire them about their insights on particular scenarios and statements; the viewers responded actively in the chat box, saying whether they agree or not with the statement said or if they experienced the same/similar scenario in life. As the streamers read the comments, they add their own reactions and side comments to it to further emphasize that one should not act according to what is expected of them.

    The audience was able to share a lot of their personal experiences, sentiments and perspectives regarding the gender gap. Games (Fast Talk & Ligwak o Tumpak) were played in the stream, the viewers were very interactive throughout; the information provided by both the streamers and viewers was all found necessary and coherent to the main subject! The level of engagement was high considering 471 chat messages while the streamers’ were live.

    The energy coming from the viewers is incomparable; with a peak of 25 and an average of 19 concurrent viewers in the stream! The audience was very responsive and enthusiastic considering how much they interacted with both the host and the guest speaker

    The stream evaluation google form managed to gather 16 respondents—meaning 16 of the viewers allocated time to giving feedback to the live stream conducted. All 16 respondents wish to know more about the streaming topic; the existing gender gap in generation Z.

    Though there are some mishaps in the stream itself such as poor audio and video quality, the majority of the feedback garnered from the audience was positive! A lot were applauding the streamers on how great the flow of the live stream was and how ‘perfect’ it is. Aside from improving font size, audio and video quality, clarity, and consistency in order to enhance viewer experience, most were exceptionally fond of the streamers (the host, the guest speaker and the tech members) and are continuously asking for an episode 2 of the podcast.

    Taking everything into account, the stream was A+! A lot of great feedback was earned and plenty of viewers were satisfied with the content, the flow, the discussion and basically, the elements of the live stream. The audience found the live show very engaging and entertaining since now and then, the streamers do not forget to read the comments in the beloved comment section. It can be concluded that the streamers addressed and tackled gender inequality in generation Z very effectively and profoundly mindful due to the fact that countless of their audience stated how much lessons and information they learned from the chikahan/ discussion that the podcast offered throughout the duration of the stream.

  • II. The Wellness Of The Stream (Success, Achievement, Well Done Actions)

  • It shall be said that the stream was a success! The streamers did a great job discussing and elaborating on gender inequality—what it means and how it affects Generation Z. Viewers found the content relevant, stayed focused, and greatly engaged with the streamers throughout the live stream. From the stream evaluation form, most of the gathered respondents/viewers (87.5%) are more than willing to recommend the stream session to their friends, classmates, family and relatives—implying that the live stream was worth watching!

    Ever since the stream replay was published, it has gotten 56 views; 2.3 hours of watch time; and 1 additional subscriber as of March 10, 2023! In addition, considering the low number of new subscribers, it can be seen in the analytics that there are actually more non-subscribers who watched the live stream than those who are already subscribed to the Youtube channel, therefore it means that the group of GenZation Sentiments were able to reach those who are not yet familiar with them and they were able to make the non-subscribers stay engaged in their stream. Concisely, 83.8% of those who are not subscribed and 16.2% of the subscribers contributed to the watch time (2.3 hours) of the video.

    The stream’s most commendable actions were the games! As the stream progresses, the streamers did not forget to read some comments before moving on to the next agenda on their stream outline. In this activity; the streamers decided to spice things up; the host and the guest speaker changed their roles! A successful game of fast talk was played—not only did this segment provide information and open-mindedness, but also enjoyment for the audience. A total of 6 questions were asked, Naomi, the guest speaker who became the game master, encouraged the audience to take part in the game as well by putting their answers in the comment section. After the fast talk, a thorough explanation for each question was given, especially how the choices were connected with the main topic; the evident gender inequality in generation Z. In this part of the stream, the audience went wild with their comments; a lot were laughing along with the streamers, teasing the streamers, giving their own opinions, displeasures, and perspectives on the fast talk choices, and sharing their sentiments with regard to the questions that were asked in the game. In fact, this part of the stream (27:00 - 41:00) ranks third in the highest number of comments and in views! The last question (sex or chocolates) may seem too much for some, however, the streamers provided a very clear and valid explanation behind why they chose to include this in the fast talk game. All in all, the information provided by both the streamers and viewers was all found necessary and coherent to the main subject through this very interactive fast-talk activity.

    The games did not stop there. Another game was introduced as their last segment of the podcast episode—a play entitled “Ligwak o Tumpak”. When the streamers mentioned that this game would be the last of them, a lot of people in the chat box complained about why it was the last activity, telling the streamers to extend the stream and just stay live until 4 in the morning.

    Before the streamers proceed to the game itself, they asked the tech members (Ashton & Charles) of the team to say hi to the stream as a lot of their friends were waiting for them. In due course, simple gender questions were thrown at them which the tech team answered confidently! In the podcast, both streamers were women, thus they decided to ask insightful questions to the tech team, who were both men, to know the perspective of a guy when it comes to the main topic of the podcast, gender inequality. Along with the appearance of the tech members, came the hyped comments and cheers from the audience.

    In observing the stream analytics, it must be mentioned that the appearance of the tech team was a great idea (56:00-1:00:00)! The comments and the views were at their peak, with 17 comments and 25 viewers, when the tech members entered the stream with the host and guest speaker asking them if they agree with the statement “if a man can do it, then a woman can do it”, the audience really liked how Charles and Ashton (technical team) answered with high-pitched voices (Tumpak)—it was a very fun and memorable scene in the podcast episode.

    Referring to the stream evaluation survey which accumulated a total of 16 responses; this aims to identify and serve as the basis of GenZation Sentiments’ level of success and achievements. Regarding how knowledgeable are the streamers; 14 of the respondents rated the streamer’s knowledge of the topic they discussed, the gender gap in generation Z, as excellent! Whereas, the remaining two rated their knowledge as good, still, it is perceived that they provided good and relevant information in the podcast.

    As for the relevance of the streaming content to address solutions, issues or challenges in people’s lives, 15 of the respondents do find GenZation Sentiments’ content relevant to the said aspects. On the other hand, the 1 respondent was unsure if the group’s content was relevant since they chose “maybe” as their answer. Nevertheless, the majority of the respondents agreed that what the streamers talked about in the podcast is indeed relevant.

    Talking about the design content of the stream, 14 respondents rated it as excellent whereas the other 2 respondents rated it as good which the streamers still consider as an achievement since having excellent-good design content is a huge accomplishment considering that gender equality is a very sensitive, complex, and a no-solution-overnight topic to discuss and address, especially in a live stream.

    Lastly, before showing positive feedback that the audience wrote in the form, the respondents were asked to evaluate the overall streaming session; 14 respondents said it was “excellent”, 1 respondent rated the stream as “very good”, and finally, the last respondent had a rating of “good”. Overall, it can be concluded that the stream was decent and worthwhile! The streamers consider the ratings as a great achievement since most had fun while watching the podcast, and most audience greatly interacted with both the host and guest which increased the quality of the live stream itself, hence that’s how they perceive the reason behind why they got such appreciable and exceptional ratings.

    To showcase the wellness of the stream, though YouTube analytics has already provided an accurate level of success and what to consider as achievements, the feedback/suggestions from the dearest audience shall also be heard and acknowledged. The comments gathered from the evaluation form will serve as proof of how much the audience enjoyed the podcast episode of GenZation Sentiments and their wonderful insights on the stream. On a final note, the games are the main highlights of the stream as they offered a variety of topics, subtopics, information and evidence that justifies the gender gap in generation Z.

    These statements are just additional rationale on why and how the stream of GenZation Sentiments is considered a success. Comments that imply how effective the stream was, how much they had fun, how great the hosts were, how engaging the podcast was, how much they learned from what the streamers tackled and how perfect it was. Each and every comment made its points and has reached the team of GenZation Sentiments—from the efficacious introduction of the topic, host and guest speaker to the perspicacious games and conclusion, the stream is a success and though everything was within their control—no serious troubles that occurred, a lot are still need of improvement, that’s something certain.

  • III. The Missed-Out Opportunities And Rooms For Improvement

  • The stream was excellent, it talked about the issue regarding the gender gap in generation Z very well, however, the number one missed-out opportunity of the stream was that they should’ve brought a male guest to share their experiences and balance out the podcast as there is already a female guest speaker; since the streamers are talking about gender equality, it is highly expected that there will be insights and perspectives from both genders, thus when the streamers weren’t able to include a male guest, it was kind of a bummer—even the guest speaker herself suggested a formal male guest beforehand and even expected one, but the tables turns; instead the two male technical members just briefly stated their ideas and sentiments on what was asked to make up for the absence of a male guest speaker.

    There are a lot of things that the streamers intend to improve but this specific challenge to be mentioned was also addressed by the audience via the stream evaluation form; the particular issue pertained that the group faced was mainly the audio quality. There are multiple times wherein the audio echoed according to the feedback; moreover, there are times wherein the other mic did not pick up what the guest speaker is saying, the audio was fading and can barely be heard in the live stream making it unclear. The wire of the mic was loose and minimum movement disconnects the mic from the laptop which then results in poor audio quality.

    Along with audio quality as something to improve, a suggestion was made by one of the survey respondents to make the font size of the comment section in the stream bigger as it was hard to read. Aside from technical and design issues, no other troubles were observed in the live stream from the audience’s point of view since the flow of the podcast was smooth and the stream plan was executed better than expected.
    The live stream had no dead airs or awkward atmospheres, and the engagement between the streamers and viewers was unparalleled! However, there are areas of opportunity and improvement that the host shared with her team; though the stream outline was followed, not everything that the streamers planned was shown in the stream. Numerous details that the streamers wished to discuss were left out due to overtime. The recommended duration of a live stream was said to be around 45 - 60 minutes, therefore when the streamers noticed that they were nearing the limit, they had to rush the outline.

    Originally, the second game (Ligwak o Tumpak) has 10 statements, hence due to the time they’ve consumed, they narrowed it down to 5. The stream was chaotic and the setup was kind of messed up, nonetheless, the stream went on and the audience was on fire! This was when the host came up with an idea to ignite the fire in their viewers’ hearts! Since the audience was looking for prizes, the host decided to give away ₱100 cash to whoever answered beautifully and caught her attention. She mentioned that the answer must be worthy of a miss universe. Going back; even when considering the hyped viewers, if it’s not for the time limit of the live stream, things could’ve been executed more efficiently, calmly, smoothly and organized. That’s an area of opportunity, if the stream outline was strictly obeyed without overtime in each segment of the podcast, then no rush would take place—meaning that everything would still be in its place and every single detail and sentiment included in the plan should’ve been addressed.

    Towards the end of the stream, there was actually a little bit of difficulty in sending the link to the stream evaluation form that the audience must answer yet the technical team quickly handled the situation behind the camera. Ending the stream didn’t go as smoothly as the streamers thought; an impactful and memorable conclusion was obviously not attained. The conclusion was supposed to be the part where the streamers would sum up everything that they disclosed and wrap up the entire stream but failed to do so as the host was struggling to send the link to the evaluation form.

    If only the link was prepared beforehand, the streamers would be able to conclude all the thoughts and information that was shared in the talk, sharing their last thoughts, takeaways, motivational quotes and even reminders in connection to the gender inequality in generation Z. However, what happened in the conclusion was a brief sharing of the streamers’ last thoughts, followed by appreciating the viewers who watched the stream which lasted for more than an hour, and finally bid their goodbyes. The end of the stream can be polished and improved a lot more if the streamers remembered the proper structure of a summarization of the podcast episode and stream conclusion.

    In spite of those areas of opportunity and improvement, the stream ended with sighs of relief from the streamers since finally, the stream they worked so hard on has come to an end! Moments later, the host and the guest speaker felt dismayed as there were lots of things that they weren’t able to address, thinking of what happened in the stream and the specific points where they should’ve inserted the unmentioned topics and more debatable questions.

    Moving from the streamers’ perspective to the viewers’ point of view, the data collected in the stream evaluation form shows what the streamers’ are lacking, chiefly, what they need to work on and improve on. The following are brief interpretations of charts and aspects wherein a slight dissatisfaction from the audience was observed; these will be considered as things that are still in for improvement and points where opportunities were missed.

    From the 16 respondents that the survey managed to accumulate, though the majority answered 5 when asked the question “What percentage of the information was new to you?”, the rest answered numbers 1-4 (see the graph below). This is very understandable as gender inequality has been in the surroundings ever since, and as part of the generation Z community, it can’t be denied that Gen Zs are exposed to the gender gap due to social media raising awareness on the subject. Be it as it may, GenZation Sentiments should’ve conducted thorough research and evaluation to provide new and relevant content and information to their audience.

    In terms of the usage of the streaming information and how essential it is now, 13 respondents stated that they can use the information provided by the stream immediately whereas, the three other respondents answered 2-6 months, 7-12 months and one even answered “never”. Despite the fact that the group did provide a massive amount of details and data, it can be superfluous for the audience and insufficient or, wild guess, GenZation Sentiments’ content was not something that they were looking for. As for the streaming information, the time of preparation can be taken into account as the stream plan was not created until a few days before the streaming day. This was an area where opportunity was lost.

    Dealing with the length/duration of the whole GenZation Sentiments podcast episode 1 live stream, the streamers did surpass the recommended time for live streams which is an hour. The video published is approximately 1:17:00, so it can’t be opposed that the live stream was indeed quite lengthy than originally planned. 13 respondents rated the stream duration as excellent, whereas the other three settled with a “good rating”. A long stream can cause a loss of viewers in due time, thus managing time in the next podcast episode should be a must to prevent lowering both viewership and engagement.

    The stream took place on GenZation Sentiments’ Youtube Channel. Even if 13 out of 16 respondents perceived it was the right platform venue choice, the other three were not so certain of Youtube being the preferred platform of the group.

    In connection with the stream outline that the group has followed as much as possible all throughout the live stream, only 68.8% of the participants considered the outline as ‘excellent’, and the remaining 31.2% of the respondents have their ratings ranging from fair to very good. Even the streamers agreed with the gained percentage of satisfaction from the stream outline as they, themselves, are not that proud of it. Just like what was mentioned before where the streamers did hope for a better and more formal construction of the stream outline where crucial details are highlighted to prevent not being included in the stream. They know by heart that the stream outline sure needs a lot more work, effort and focus to produce a flawless stream.

    Last but definitely not least is the streaming session expectations. 81.3% of the survey respondents were greatly astounded and astonished by the stream GenZation Sentiments has run! Meanwhile, the other 18.7% did rate the stream they watched as very good-good. At the end of the day, the streamers shall thrive to get a rate of “excellent” in all questions of the stream evaluation form; they must work even harder to reach the expectations their viewers have set upon them as not only do they desire to raise awareness on gender inequality in generation Z, but they want this whole podcast to be fun and entertaining—for youth and beyond. With the charts that the form provided, the streamers knew there were a lot of things still yet to be refined.

  • IV. Engagement Of The Audience And How It Affected The Overall Performance Of The Stream

  • The host did an excellent job putting the content into action, especially when it came to the intense viewer Q&A, which she handled admirably. Very likely all of their viewers were impacted by some of the facts that really struck the viewers and got them to agree with them. Because their viewers agreed with what they said about the topic—the gender gap in this generation—about the things you will hear in this generation, they have been contributing information and insights about it as well as sharing stories about how it has affected their own lives.

    The audience becomes highly animated and enthusiastic when the hosts are posing questions or making a point. The highest watch time was 1.9 with a 3:42 average view duration on March 3, although the video went live on February 4; this number implies the total watch time since the stream was published. Considering the stream being more than one hour; this can be the result of either the subscribers simply not watching the live stream or individuals completely missing it. How come individuals are said to be missing it? As seen in the impressions graph, it indicates that 79 is the total number of times that the live stream thumbnail was shown to viewers since the video was published. Thus, that only suggests one thing, even though the thumbnail is shown in YouTube feeds, subscribers chose to overlook the video itself. Though, it can be assured that there are multiple times when they would click on the video of the stream, having 3:42 as the average amount of time viewers spent watching the video only implies that they don’t last/stay much watching the published stream replay.
    Graph 1: Total Watch Time Since The Video Was Published

    Graph 2: Average Amount of Time Viewers Spent Watching The Video

    Graph 3: Number of Times The Video Thumbnail Was Seen By Viewers

    To justify such a high level of engagement of the stream, it is indeed necessary to include data from the stream evaluation form! The stream was no doubt a very give-and-take stream, interactive, collaborative and colossally engaging! From the very beginning up to the very end, the streamers did not let the audiences’ comments and reactions on the comment section slip their mind; there is no dull moments between the hosts and the viewers, they were like all friends chatting in a live stream, that’s how cosy the stream of GenZation Sentiments was—a natural, no overwhelmedness stream.

    As observed in the pie chart below, most of the viewers (87.5%) concurred that the streamers’ ability to engage with their audience was excellent, whereas the 12.5% of viewers left still felt that the streamers were able to engage and capture the viewers, the ability to engage their watchers into their content was fairly good, awesome! All things considered, the stream was a very liked stream with engaging, entertaining and essential content; addressing the gender gap seen in generation Z is not an easy task, especially with the cancel culture highly evident in society. Nevertheless, GenZation Sentiments has delivered a great commendable stream according to both analytics and their audience.

  • V. The Stream’s Viewership Status—High Or Low?

  • During Genzation Sentiments’ stream, their host and the guest speaker engaged with the audience which contributed to the stream’s viewership count. Both the host and the guest speaker talked to the audience as if they were the guests themselves. They discussed topics with one another and asked the audience what their opinions were, to get them to stay in the stream for a while. The team of this group also announced to their friends and on their social media platforms that they were about to stream at that time, which helped remind viewers. The stream would garner more attention from the viewers if it was more engaging and entertaining. The hosts clearly made it more engaging by letting their audience feel like they are part of the conversation and the stream.

    Viewership during the stream averaged 19 views, peaking at 25 viewers 56 minutes in, but gradually declining after that. With only 16 viewers remaining by the end of the stream, the stream had a total of 162 views on the day of the stream and currently has 178 views on March 2, which is undeniably a lot. As previously stated, viewers stayed in the stream for a long time because they were a part of the podcast itself, being asked questions and participating in the conversation. The topic was "If a man can do it, a woman can do it as well" 56 minutes into the stream, and this is also when there was a viewership spike; perhaps the audience thought the topic was interesting enough and shared it with their friends to see what their opinions were, or they shared the link because they wanted to see the two technicians answer the question. The stream's lowest viewer count was 10 at the start and in the intro, but the rest of the stream never fell below 13 views.
    Graph 1: Lowest Viewers (Intro)

    Graph 2: Viewers By The End Of The Stream

    Graph 3: The Peak Of Viewership In The Stream

    Viewership is more likely to increase if the audience is hooked on what they are watching; they will also be more likely to share the video with their friends if they believe it will be of interest to others.

  • Appendix

  • Fig. 1: Accumulated Age Range Of Respondents From The Stream Evaluation Survey According to the pie chart seen above, most of the participants/respondents who watched the stream of GenZation Sentiments and answered the stream evaluation survey are aged 11-17, whereas one respondent is aged 18-24, and the other one is 65 and over.
    Fig. 2: Relationship Between The Survey Respondents To The Streamers According to the pie chart above, 56.3% of the respondents are friends with the streamers. 25% are classmates of the viewers, and there is one relative, one follower/fan, and lastly, one respondent from the social media community.

    Graph 1 : The 5 Highest Number Of Viewers Who Watched, Rewatched, or Shared Moments Of The Video The graph accumulated 5 spikes in the video where a high number of viewers watched, rewatched, or shared some moments of the live stream.

    Graph 2 : The Point Where Viewers Abandoned or Skipped Certain Parts Of The Video The graph showcases the point in the stream where the viewers abandoned or skipped certain parts of the stream. In the graph’s case above, the line went downhill by 11:38 from 31% to 6% at 13:11 real quick.
    Fig 4: Sources Of Viewers On How They Found The Live Stream According to the figure above, most of the viewers found the live stream via direct or unknown sources, whether the link is sent to them or they randomly found the link in other social media platforms or unidentified apps. Some of the viewers found out about the stream through YouTube features such as passing by the thumbnail on your dashboard. The other sources are external, browse features, channel pages, and others.
    Fig 5: Number Of Impressions And Its Influence On The Watch Time As for this figure, shows the relationship between the impressions and the watch time. From 183 impressions, meaning the number of times that the video thumbnail was shown to the viewers, only 52 viewers clicked on the stream and watch it. Hence the 52 views from impressions now contribute to the watch time which is quite high—9.5 hours.

    Fig 6: The Views Gained From External Sites or Apps According to the figure, most viewers were from Gmail—gaining about 36.8%. Followed by Facebook Messenger which gathered 23.7% of viewers, an unknown application collecting 18.4% of the views, Facebook contributing 7.9% and finally, Google aiding 5.3% in the viewership of the live stream.

    Graph 3: Number Of Returning Viewers Ever Since The Stream Was Published The graph above indicates that from the duration of February 04, 2023 to now (March 10, 2023), only 1 person is considered a returning viewer—viewers who already watched your YouTube channel, and just return to watch the published stream.

    Graph 4: The Estimated Number Of Viewers Of Your Content Within The Selected Date Range The graph shows the estimated number of people who watched the stream within the selected time; in this case, between February 04 and March 10, there is a total of 71 unique viewers who watched GenZation Sentiments EP1 │ The Gender Gap In Generation Z.

    Graph 5: The Total Change In Subscriber Count From People Viewing The Video Since It Was Published In the graph, it indicates that the channel has accumulated 1 new subscriber from the people viewing the stream since it was published.