GenZation, Our Voice, Your Sentiments.
Our podcast is not your typical podcast, we won’t be giving boring lectures on gender inequality, we don’t just educate our listeners, we don’t just force information into their heads and have them absorb it, no. That’s not how it works. In each episode we’re about to launch, we will be having different guests share their stories in order to keep the great idea of story-telling alive. What people remember is not how many achievements one has attained, it’s the journey they’ve gone through in accomplishing their distinctive titles. Wouldn’t that be great? You meet a new person in each of our episodes! You gain new inspiration, new motivation and new stories to share and inspire others as well. That’s how great story-telling is.
Having gender inequality as our addressed subject for our podcast, it would be quite hard to discuss as it is not a topic that everyone would like to hear on a weekly basis. It’s one of those subjects that are labelled “complicated” once opened to discussion. That’s the same reason why we’d like to launch a podcast about it. The number one reason given by respondents for listening to non-musical podcasts was “to learn new things,” with 74% citing this as the reason for enjoying podcasts. Other reasons for podcast listening on a regular basis were for entertainment, to relax, or to be inspired. We’d like to take on this challenge to insert new perspectives in our audience’s way of thinking, to motivate them in lessening discrimination on gender, prejudices and stereotypes that lessen opportunities for each and every one of us. We all are affected by it, we just need to be open-minded and willing to listen to what our fellow Gen Zs have to say in connection to their experiences. Gender Inequality, in a matter of fact, is really hard to deliver since not everyone is open to having this as a topic. The way we express this topic as soon-to-be podcasters will actually be a challenge.
What we ask from our viewers is to listen without judgement, is to have open thoughts on the subject rather than biased ones. What we ask is sensitivity to the topic as it affects all kinds of health. What we desire is for us, GenZation Sentiments, to feel like home, as well as to serve as their safe place, and their refuge in gender inequality encounters.
Our Mission
“GenZation serves as a movement for change in the ways of how society belittles each and every existing gender, serves as an inspiration to cultivate and encourage new open-minded perspectives, serves as a reminder how gender inequality is still evident throughout the generations, and serves as a realization that as time progresses, mindsets should as well; our voice unitied with sentiments serves as the fuel to ignite the hearts of youth in their journey to find their own voice and stand their ground.”
Our Vision
“With every community observing liberty, with every community attaining equality; no one should be deprived of options to advance in life, should receive judgement and discrimination, should miss out on opportunities, and should feel inferior—all due to gender. A community wherein no one is ashamed to come out of their shells, showing their true intentions and purposes without the fear of stereotypes, and the disturbance of expectations.”